Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TERROR-Bad_Luck_Chuck-, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Sadly one of the best thread makers of this game
    Has been forum banned 
    He asked that I make a thread so every one knows he won't be on forum's anymore 
  2. Why was he forum banned? 
  3. For posting exploding heads

  4. About time..

  5. I saw that  that got him banned? 
  6. awezome..?smell my pig dude don't feel the pain then suck my ass mT um goodbye to him
  7. OP, your name is so crucially similar to Garret's. I am beginning to suspect something, but I can't put my finger on it.

    By the meantime, I will say something I've always wanted to say in this situation.

    "FUCK YEAH!"

  8. I knew it was. 
  9.  Chloe u don't know who I am 
    O well  u might figure out 
  10. I posted it to late 
    I failed epicly 
  11.  good job 
  12. I didn't even NEED to look at your profile. .-.

    It's so crucially obvious that even a facegroin wouldn't express my trauma. *trollface* *gets shot*
  13. For some shitty reason, my grammar is looking... atrocious.

  14.  wow Chloe there's more to this game than just the forums sweety
    But I'm not GANNA fight a respected person  I'll fight a noob
  15. Hey forumers

    I will still be trolling the forums. So watch wtf you say. Just because I'm gone doesn't mean I'm not here.
    Hey Chloe. I'm still here. Hahahaha watch how you talk about me.
    From garret
  16.  The fuck is this, mods?
  17. Guys....