Give me the best reason why pimd is better than real life, ok I will start. MY pimd bank account is much bigger than my real life account. Ok now your turn ?
come back to the club LEO <333 It's in perfect condition. On PIMD I'VE HAD BILLIONS BABY!!! FILTHY RICH
Ummmm.... but what happens if your device in real life breaks, and can no longer play? -sadness -move on in life
Pimd when you boil it down has all the things you cant escape irl. People, drama, wars, social groups, an economy
When people play competative and try to have fun on here they can be turned down, in real life there are people who'd be down to hang out and such. "Emotions" toward people on a screen vs real emotions toward people in real life: happiness, love, joy, fun, etc etc Dating a screen or video ( and always saying you wish you can be together) vs being with someone in person in real life who can be right next to you
in pimd you earn " money" to buy attack iems, defense items, tutors, dorms, etc that other people can get upset at you for spending vs in real life there is real money that you soend for food ( which you need to live)
PimD is better because nothing is real. And if someone annoying is talking to you it's fine to block them and never see them again. In real life you have to be nice and endure their endless talking. :/ Also if you don't know what to say you have time to think. And you can just give an excuse like your phone died or something.
I seriously wish my rl bank account was just half as big as my pimd bank account or my kaw account for that matter. That would be so freaking awesome ?