Top 3500 reward

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jellal_HerSliceOfHeaven, Sep 9, 2020.

  1. For all those players who are still hoping to receive top 3500 reward from last hunt.

    Message from ATA:

    “Hi there! The XC leaderboard and the story leaderboard are separate. Players will only be added to any XC leaderboard if they've reached each tier for that XC, so it is not directly related to your standing on the story leaderboard. Sorry!”
  2. Maybe they should leave the story out of the xcs then 😶
  3. So it’s a cat club only award, requiring many flashes. I don’t feel like that was made very clear in the beginning.
    _Pristine_, zoe-the-fiend and Muschi like this.
  4. With XCs you always have to pass the three tiers in order to get LB rewards though.
  5. I mean leaderboard has always worked that way. People who cash get higher up
  6. What made me think that this time will be different is the high number of players that could receive this reward (3500). Thought “oh that’s nice of ATA”. I was wrong.
    Should of have put it as a reward for top 1000, cause that’s how many probably collected all the stars if not less.
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.