Top 3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cookies-has-quit, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. What are your top 3 emojis?
    The ones with faces are 
    And the ones without are 
    Let's have this game rolling! Come back each day!
  2. 

    I dont get the 2nd part .-. Lol
  3. I'm more concerned of Jada's "" what have you been doing? 
  4. Don't forget to post your Top3 Emoji that aren't faces! 
  5. I see now lol

  6. 
  7. Keep 'em coming!
  8. 
    Lurking ftw 
  9. 

  10. 

  11. 
  12. 

  13. I've never used  before 
    It looks like an aquafresh dispenser