August 28th! Today, Cabana Cool (Easy) will give you 2x the cash! Factory Art (PRO) will give you 3x the cash! (yes.. THREE) Enjoy!! Check back soon for the next one! Reminders about the party promos: Promo parties will happen randomly throughout each week, so they may not happen every day. The length of the promo parties will also change randomly, so some may last a few days while others may only last a few hours. In the future, the promo parties may drop random items, or items such as consumables, instead of increased cash (or maybe both!). There may even be some promo parties that take place on the weekends. We hope you continue to enjoy these promo parties. Keep checking back to find out when the next one is taking place!
Devs, you rock. I wanted a 3x one and here it is. 150B to BC and 60B to DV, hopefully enough to get it.
i think you should do a 3x on some of the easy parties for the samller players of the game so that way everyone can make good money to upgrade better.