to Demo_n_magnify

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Betty_Decker, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. Do not threaten me for hiring your stupidly under priced tutors! I am silenced I would ask if I could. Your club isn't in war and farm war doesn't count. Because I doubt your club is being hit currently. So back off raise your tutors prices indepently if you do not want them hired.

    Sick of ignorance.

    Bump your tutors mag, big bad Johnny, immortals Jose.. I'm not targeting anyone! There is only one "hire more tutors" button if you don't want yours hired... volley them.

    You will not control the market.

    I will stay pinned and fix this economy by force if need be. Otherwise just rehire or replace. I sell tons I just replace not hard
  2. Have to agree with you on this one. Nobody owns any tutors, it's a free market. You being silenced and not being able to ask justifies it even more.
  3. Wow. people are messed up.

    M0M0 is doing the right thing.
  4.  free market!
  5. What happens when you've got an outrageously op tutor that your "enemies" won't even stripfarm off of you? 
  6. I'll leave the farm for the farmers... But if only I could get ride of my tut... 
  7. Didn't mag emphasis on The tutor market that he said terror destroyed? Ain't he/his member doing the same by hogging tutors? 
  8. Dunno he probably logged off to buy 10g in credits to strip farm me. Maybe if you piss him off hard enough he will threaten you as well? Then post on forums about how he doesn't do this stuff
  9. It's funny because I have not seen any underprice terror tutors over 15b Maybe these people need to LEARN FROM YOU GUYS.
  10. I will do them a favor and not post the ranges I buy from.... I'm not sure these guys realize that I could really mess things up for them if I wanted by feeding you this info... Instead I stay out of it if any of these 3 hit me or attempt to strip me. I'm passing it along.
  11. P.s seek out a forum between willy and mag. He claims he doesn't make threats... Lies he just does it in PM thinking it's hidden. well hurray for dun lah screen shots and unfollowing. Because now my wall has one.
  12. Made you a wall art 
  13. Lah lah lah. I'm so dun now that lah angry.  everyone should do what i do. Self pin > hire ANYONE you desire. Let them whine and hire back > stay pinned replace > repeat. How's 100b a week sound? Well it's more than possible. Just ask my wallet that got fatter and my stats that got bigger.
  14. I'm starting to believe that you are the only one who actually knows how to play this game 
  15. He is pretty smart. That's why I assist him. I get the knowledge. 
  16. I send sway screenies of all the hires. Seriously 100b is a good estimate for the past few days lol
  17. Damn... I wanna learn 
  18. Well like I said I can't openly share the ranges with terror in thread. Or else I will also get blamed for helping them... But if I get hit or farmed. I'm sharing my pricing info 
  19. Exactly what I say.

    They (Including Magnificent) say they are fighting to free the tutor market etc all that shit.

    LIES! Every single club in the farm war has the same status message as terror members. It's all the same shit.

    And then they say "Don't make false assumptions" and stuff.

    The "Anti Cyber Bullies" have turned into the Cyber Bullies.
    They don't want to admit it, but Terror has won Their own personal war. They wanted players to play Terror's way. And the clubs fighting against it, are.

    Accept it or not. Try to contradict.
    You can't. It's there.
  20. Screw it... It's 6vs1 so.. I feel this info is free to share. 100b and less tutors with 250k cs are great hires. 80b and under with 200k cs also. 40-60b tutors with 140-160k cs these fools own most of the ones with the stats I mention the rest in range are 10-20k cs less. Sometimes more. The ones that are good stand out obviously..