Tips for Being Mod

Discussion in 'Guides' started by -I-AmLadyDynamite, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Lady's Tips on Becoming a Mod

    I have been seeing an increasing number of players asking about how to become mod, what mods do, why they weren't chosen, etc. So, let's explore this on one thread and stop having 10 active threads about how Players A through J want to be a mod.

    What Do Mods Do?

    Many mods do different things. We aren't assigned a specific task, but all seem to fall into our own routine. We are all asked to monitor World Chat and Forums for those breaking the Terms of Service/Rules of Conduct/Forum Code of Conduct; help new players that ask for it, and help players with issues mods can "police". These would be wall bypasses, game questions, etc. There are those of us that spend much of our time on campus, helping the players there and keeping it clean, others spend most of their time here, in the forums. Reading for entertainment, interacting, and making the necessary calls when needed to keep forums friendly, clean, and with the right amount of drama and entertainment.

    How do I become Mod?

    Just a heads up, if you have to ask this, you more than likely are not ready to apply. Generally, if you have played long enough or read enough of the forum threads, you'll already know this answer, how to apply, and all of the requirements.

    However, for the sake of every forum user's sanity....

    • A Mod Guide by Spiny can be found Here.
    • You must meet all of the requirements found Here, this also contains the ins and outs, but I'll reinforce a few Do's and Dont's ahead; as well as some more information you'll need to know.
    • Apply using the form in the aforementioned FAQ. You'll be asked questions to test your knowledge, so be sure you are ready!

    I have applied, now what?

    Now, you wait. Before, you would have to apply every six months, but now they keep your applications! How lucky?! However, if you feel your knowledge has increased, like say over 6 months to a years time from applying, I would assume you can update, the key is not to spam them with applications, you'll only shoot yourself in the foot. If chosen, you'll receive an email at the address provided on the application as well as a pm from PiMD themselves. If you aren't chosen, you wont get a response at all... don't get discouraged, either someone else just had a more solid application than you, or your application was just low in queue and positions filled before they got to you. You may still be chosen in the next group. Keep playing and learning and you may find you are chosen after all.

    What's on the application?

    Well, if we told you, then it wouldn't be a true test of your preparedness would it? Be sure to know the game mechanics, what features there are, how to play, an I can tell you that you have to put your name, user ID, and a valid email address :lol: .

    What should I know about being a mod? From a mod's point of view?

    • Many have this euphoric idea of what being a mod is like: "Everyone loves you!" "Everyone must respect you!" "People must kiss your bum!" This idea isn't true at all. Those who loved you before mod may 1) not see you any differently and remain your PiMD besties or 2) leave you in the dirt because they think you are a "corporate sellout".
    • You will get trolled, heckled, and farmed. People test your resolve and patience as a way to see if you we're a good choice. They may not like parts of your stats. Or they just like to see your reaction. Tips:
      • It's ok to react, but if you are actually getting mad behind the screen it's ok to walk away and ask another mod to take over to avoid a worse situation.
      • If you are being farmed (even if not a mod): buy pots to defend yourself, then a) buy pots to attack back or b) ignore the newsfeed. Reactions like "omg stop farming me you are so mean!" Or "farming is wrong!" Will make things worse. Getting other involved is even messier.
    • There are many grey areas you'll have to learn to navigate. A word may not be filtered and still be silenceable if directed to someone. A thread could be on topic but have one disruptive comment, so there are various ways to handle that and each situation is different.
    • You have to mod your own club mates and friends. If you see a friend bypass on campus, you have to silence. If you have a club mate making death threats to another in club chat and on walls, you have to report it. If you have a club mate that turns out to be 12, you are supposed to and need to report it. Some mods are harder on their friends and club mates than their war opposition even. One in particular often asks us to handle violations made by their "enemy" to avoid conflict of interest or abuse of power allegations.

    Anything Else?

    Yes, we don't get paid. We get unlimited speakers in packs of 5,000. And that's it. No dn unless all of PiMD is given one. No cats unless all of PiMD is given one. Etc. etc. etc. Mods are just everyday players like everyone else. Just with extra buttons. It's important to remember that and act like a bridge between the company and the players. Stand up for the players, get their questions answered, voice opinions and ideas. But also uphold the final decisions of the company whether you agree or not. You can voice your opinions with ATA or the community as long as its done in a mature and respectful manner to both parties. You aren't to be a company lap dog nor a community crusader, but a happy medium.

    DOs and DON'Ts and other info

    The major requirements:
    • Be at least 18 years of age: now I will agree that some 15 year olds seem to have more maturity than a few 30 years olds yes; however fewer people are going to respect a minor, the game is rated 17+, and having minors as mods would just be a mess.
    • Have an account that has been active for at least 6 months: that's right, playing for 6 months can get you the necessary knowledge and experience needed if you explore all of the game. No one is saying you have to be a party fairy, pvp warrior, or even a 4 year vet... But please be more than just a year old 10/4 stat rp player... I don't think helping a player be a hybrid creature is going to send the game in the right direction.
    • Be an active member of the community and show a helpful and considerate attitude towards others. This one is a biggie. If you are seems helping the community or being a valuable addition (positive entertainment: ie comics, contests, etc) you could be chosen by ATA as an Honor Student (the blue people on campus). It's not uncommon for an HS to become a mod later as well if they have applied. Showing a positive community presence helps your mod application be taken seriously as well. Being considerate is also important. If you are lashing out at people on your "how to be a mod" thread over telling you that asking hurts your chances or your account isn't old enough; you lack the maturity needed to handle the actual trolls of the game. If you are scamming people out of items? Not very modly, even if there isn't anything in ToU about scamming. Decent humans need only apply.
    • Have no history of account abuse or recent history of silences. Recent history would depend on how long the silence was as well. If you were silenced or forum banned three months ago for bypassing on campus, it may not hurt you as bad as if you were silenced for a month for discrimination. The longer the silence the more repetitive you are as an offender.

    • Be 18+
    • Be honest in your application
    • Conduct yourself with Integrity, Tact, Class and Poise- we are all human and will have less than shining moments, but if your history is as clean as a mud puddle...

    • Apply for positions that aren't accepting- you'll see that info in the FAQ
    • Apply multiple times
    • Make a thread about becoming a mod and why you should be
    • Promote negative behavior- ToU violators and limit pushers may have trouble getting the green

    Links and Further Reading

    I will add to this should anything come to mind that seems like pertinent information. I do hope, however, that this keeps active topics clear for more than just mod dreams
    Is, Jacinda_Rose and pesos like this.
  2. Nice thread. I applied a couple of weeks ago
  3. Nicely done Lady Dyno-Mite
  4. Noice.? This should help those wanting to become a mod.
  5. Very nice thread?Well done.
  6. Boom, very detailed! I like it!
  7. O thank you :)
    Next mod = me ;)
  8. Great work lady! Now we don't have to see a new thread about mods every single day :lol:
  9. O but there will be just watch :(
  10. :lol: one can only hope it stops a few though
  11. Great job :) !
  12. Thanks fam
  13. Floccinaucinihilipilification for easiest name to type moderator 2k16
  14. "Corporate Sellout" I laughed :lol:
  15. Easier to type than to say :) lol
  16. Nice thread.
    It should, but it wont. Most who post threads asking about mod info dont know how to search forums, let alone bother reading already provided info.
  17. They may not know how to search on forums. But we have a new and updated thread to link them to.