Timer boxes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Heartless, Jun 25, 2019.

  1. I really think ATA should make it that we can delete old timer boxes especially from old hunts. It makes no sense why we would need them after the hunt is over? Or permanently add the second timer slot. I get that they added those speed ups but the only way to get them is from buying them with ec with real money.

    Frankly I don’t have money to waste on ec just to buy a 1 hour speed up for 45 ec or whatever.
    If parties dropped speed ups that would be okay but I got like 20 boxes which are all like 8hrs long and I can’t do nothing with them.
  2. I Support Petition for another hunt box slot!
    U cannot open 2 of the same boxes ?
  3. Then just dont open them?? They're not hurting you by sitting there, geez.
  5. I support this... Even if they just sit there how many will eventually just sit there.
  6. I don't mind this idea. I don't like clutter so deleting em would be better
  7. You should open your timer boxes, even though the hunt is over you can still potentially win Furniture/Avatars/Cats/Kinis/DNs/Shards etc. randomly from the timer boxes. Open them when you go offline & then you'll have something to look forward to when you get back online from sleep/work etc.

    I do wish we could open up more than one box at a time. But I'm happy that I still have boxes to open from previous hunts.
  8. The problem is u dont have time to open old hunt boxes beause ur busy opening the New Hunt boxes! So the old just lay sitting. Thats why its better to have 2 slots with the condition that u cant open 2 same boxes simultaneously
  9. yet another thread about this :lol:
    just don’t open them??? i don’t see why there is a need for a delete option
  10. Maybe some of you dont mind but some of us do. And eventually them boxes will continue to collect and remain unopened in future hunts. If they continue the timer boxes for years how many boxes will just be there sitting after a year? 2 years? More....ect...
  11. I'll often open an older box on the last day of whatever current hunt is happening- at that point the time might not align perfectly to get you an extra 200~ drops anyway, so I clear out some space. Just an option!
  12. Maybe change the drops to DNs like in normal hunt boxes? That would make me open my old boxes tbh lol
  13. I support this ... I mean if we're not getting an extra slot then old boxes are useless as I'm always opening new hunt or current month box 24/7. I have 47 timer boxes sitting in my inventory and that number will just grow each hunt