Timer Box Idea

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Fae, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. I think we need a separate tab for monthly boxes. That way we don't have to choose between opening a hunt box or a month box.
    They did it with capsules so I think they can do it for monthly boxes.
  2. Where would the labyrinth and puzzle boxes fit in? Those are neither hunt nor monthly.
  3. TBH, I feel like those boxes would be better if they were just for the newbie stories.
  4. Timer box doesn't make much. They probably should remove it
  5. I find the labyrinth box quite useful. The puzzle boxes I can see for the tutorial, but the labyrinth is useful for all players.
  6. They can make labyrinth ones openable at all times even when another box is being opened.
    I don't know a lot of people that would opt for the labyrinth ones over the hunt ones.
  7. I don't opt for them over hunt or monthly, but when I have all my current hunt boxes unlocked (which has happened quite a few times) I will use the labyrinth ones.
  8. So, monthly boxes should get their own tab and labyrinth boxes should be openable at all times?
  9. ^^that would be cool but I also don’t get monthly boxes often enough to have this problem
  10. Nah, I think the current format is fine. I do think that the VIP Package should come with a second slot to open timer boxes though (not a whole new tab) to solve any issues w/ too many boxes while still generating profit for ATA.

    And I agree with Maddi. Typically an issue I have is old hunt timer boxes that I need to either skip out on some current hunt timer boxes to get rid of, or just learn to ignore (and I usually do the former).
  11. It should def have a different slot than the normal hunt boxes.
  12. They should bring back two slots, miss that