
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Li, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]
    Stumbled upon this on the good ol Google. Good throwback to when Campus looked like this, and you got to see silencing happening in real time.

    That is all, nothing more to see here. 🌚
  2. No lie, I just showed my club a bunch of pics of old pimd earlier. But, I used my photobucket so the quality was terrible 😔
    Raven_The_Bad_Influence and Li like this.
  3. Did you show them the old avis? Those are still the best in my eyes 🥹
  4. They saw a few. Not very many
    Li likes this.
  5. I have old emails 😂 with screenshots, of “profanities” in “campus” chat back when you had to email ATA they’re actually so embarrassing, and some of wall posts, I was silenced for 30 days and was unable to speak in club or campus chat 😂 but the emails I sent are so embarrassing 🤦🏻‍♀️
  6. You gotta show 1 now coz you said about it. But blur the swearing so a forum mod dont silence you here for it coz that would be sad af 😂
    ALittleBirdie and Li like this.
  7. I think I have some old emails too, but I doubt as exciting as yours are
  8. Go on, share with the class 🙇🏻‍♀️
    ALittleBirdie likes this.
  9. Double homicide if they get silenced again for it 🌚
  10. I'm shocked at the timestamps. Chat moves so fast nowadays, no way you'd see something posted over 1 minute ago.
    Li likes this.
  11. Look, Phil is in the photo
  12. Pretty sure Phil is not a phan of me 🤐
  13. Motion to bring back public silencing.
    ALittleBirdie, Victoria, Li and 3 others like this.
  14. Campus would be flooded by it with how may people get silensed (mostly bots)
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  15. That's what we want
    Muschi and RoseMilkTea like this.
  16. Let me live in my fantasy world 😭
    Muschi and Li like this.
  17. Hours of endless fun and entertainment 🌚
    Muschi likes this.
  18. Don't forget trauma
  19. Them were the days, I remember when silences were done publicly and you'd go the wall and see people troll their wall for getting silenced
    ALittleBirdie and Muschi like this.
  20. Wow that brings back memories, back when you could say hi on campus and a bunch of players you knew would start a conversation with you.