My principal called my parents to tell them I had a bad day. Did I mention I'm a freshmen? Not a second grader. Not cool all I did was smack Nate with a snickers bar. My brother had sex in my bed... Nuff said. So what are some of those things that happen but shouldn't?
Well..... Your brother cheats and gets recognized while you sit in a corner Your sister is a bitch to you all day and at the slightest protest you get yelled at You can't smile And you are un popular
Trust me. =_= My cousin smeared her jam on my underwear once. Was late for school because of her. D: Thrn my teacher told the principal I'm always late an he wants to see my stupid parents. D:
When you accidentally kick tge shit out of a Billy when the principles rite there . Idc tho my parents are cool with it
My parents don't give a shit about me swearing. HELL! My dad swears in front of me! Chinese mother effer word. .-. He also called me "piece of shitless crap" once. My mom doesn't care either.
when you tell your best guy friend you like him and he answers a straight "oh." when your sister make you walk home (45 minute walk)from your piano lesson when your stupid mum doesnt let you got to the movies because theres a boy when your best ever friend moves 400 kilometres away when you say the eff word and the religion teacher is behind you i could go on but i dont look for sympathy on a game...