This might be obvious but...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Echo-, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. I think I know a few reasons why the perverts are here.

    1. The icon picture.
    The get the point...
    2. Other people turn into perverts then tell others
    3. It says recommended for 17 and up
    To them it's only 17 and up :|
  2. Agreed, but this Is a repeat thread
  3. Since when was there a thread about this same topic? :|
  4. Good point... You'd think they were trying to get pervs to play lol

  5. There is one like this, almost every other day but it's okay
  6. I've never seen a thread like this and I've been here 6 months 
  7. Actually, I made this thread...
    Like five months ago o_O
  8. I've seen tons of threads like this.
  9. Yep xD

    Michelle (>^.^)>
  10. I bet a lot of people here are under 17. I know I am.

  11. Mac n cheese ftw.