Things That Bother You

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Ulquiorra, Apr 12, 2019.

  1. WARNING: Lots of 'The Office' gif's

    Pet Peeves

    Ya don't say, Kevin...

    We all have them. The one thing that can make it easier to dislike something/someone. However... what about the smaller Pet Peeves (AKA things that annoy you)?

    You know... the little things that get to your anger quicker.

    Now that I've got you thinking about that, let's see how severe your anger management treatment should be.

    I'll go first and... pray that I'm not the only one.

    I hate it when I'm washing dishes and, for some reason, the soap just won't go over a certain area. The soap happily trails everywhere else BUT that one spot. And it's not even something like oil! That's why I hate doing dishes ):<

    I'd list one more but it's more like a phobia or something? Oh, heccin whatever. I can NOT stand the sound of people chewing. But it's more prominent when it's someone I don't like.

    Okay now your turn.
  2. I hate it when someone talks about my looks or about my weight. It shoots up my anger as quick as a rocket.
  3. I don’t know if this is a pet peeve, but I hate it when I was already determined to do something, but then someone decides to tell me to do THE THING I WAS ABOUT TO DO. And now I don’t wanna do it anymore 
  4. I get bothered by people making similar threads
  5. Omg same I snap at them lmao and then I might not do it unless they apologize.
  6. The very reason why I found it hard to do what my parents told me to do, lmao.
  7. Nothing anymore
    Life is too short to spend time being a hater.
    Oh wait, maybe haters ?
  8. When people walk slow in front of me after intentionally getting in front of me
  9. I am bothered by my white Chad of neighbor yelling the n-word every 2 minutes when he is losing in a game.

    I am also very bothered by the fact that the polar bears are all going to die. Usually, I don't think about it much but I just watched another climate doc. :(
  10. I already crack jokes about myself so I'm desensitized to people who feel the need to do that (don't recommend doing g that tbh). I lied I get super super sad and angry too but then I imagine the person with 300 more pounds and a witch nose
  11. I screech when someone has the audacity to do that while driving.
  12. I dislike his head
  13. They do a good job at making us feel like dooky ):
  14. Um. Pettiness. People that speak really slowly. When people are always in a bad mood.
  15. Thas just mean asf
  16. I don't like people walking really slow in front of me and blocking the path so I'm forced to walk slow too
  17. I also hate it when there's just barely any space to quickly pass by someone in like an isle and just as you go to pass, they bump into you. Like... Could you be any more inconvenient?! Smh :lol:
  18. I hate when people over use ellipses(…) or when they use them in a sentence where they weren’t needed.
  19. Ouch. Eheh.

    I don't like it when people use that after every 1-2 words. Or when people pretend to stutter in text. I don't get that.
  20. This is a fresh sore spot for me but when I'm closing up work in a half hour (10 at night) and I've already cleaned everything...

    And somebody comes in and orders a massive hoagie. Like dude... We we're open since 5 this morning plus you know when we close the store and, more importantly, when start closing up (9). We don't make sandwiches after that and this guy knows that.