Things for a.t.a to remove from the game

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Kefo, Feb 18, 2021.

  1. Post things you wish weren't in PIMD and the reason why you find it bad in the comments below.


    Mariahbozy likes this.
  2. Over half of the playerbase. Must get rid of toxic in community
  3. Accounts that havnt been active for at least 7 years and all accs that have been perm banned. I think 7yrs is plenty long enuf to decide you wanna come back. Getting rid of dead accs will help clean n speed up the servers. Which hopefully means less lag n bugs as well
  4. I partially agree, I feel like some perm banned accounts should remain -- particularly the larger ones such as #2 on overall leaderboard.

    I feel like they should be manually removed from the leaderboard as someone that has gotten banned doesn't deserve that kind of recognition, and the account needs to be more clearly advertised that it was banned. And not like silencing where it's a message in the status that can also be easily replicated by users that aren't silenced.

    But like, 14cs accounts or other accounts that haven't completed the tutorial that have been sitting there for years should definitely be just cleared.

    Some of the smaller banned accounts too, especially ones that were banned several years ago. I'm not quite sure where I would place the cut off for what is considered "small" though.
  5. Peace Tags. Enough said.
  6. Devs who let mods get away with committing serious infringements of ToS like account sharing but who are intolerant of minor things like 'bad language' and critical thinking skills.
  7. i still don't understand the hate against the peace tags LOL
  8. The big thing is that people believe they're taking away a core value of the community (PvP) by allowing players to opt out, even temporarily. PvP used to be the only big feature on this game and some people are upset that the game seems to be moving further and further away from that. A lot of the current playerbase is adverse to PvP but players against peace tags want ATA to do more to promote PvP literacy and knowledge. Introducing peace tags was a step away from people asking ATA to reembrace it as a core function of the game.

    Tl;dr -- people want ATA to promote PvP more as a viable game function and peace tags are percieved as a step in the opposite direction.
    -_Hope_- likes this.
  9. Remove banned accounts from VIP lists
    AntisocialButterfly, Fuze and Muschi like this.
  10. I see your point on this, but sometimes going and posting on a wall of someone you were friends with years ago is like visiting a tombstone in a way lol.
    -_Hope_-, Muschi and Taniho like this.
  11. Me saying this im also fully aware it would mean my original accounts would be gone to. But sometimes you just gotta let go even if it kinda sucks
    -_Hope_- and Muschi like this.
  12. You are right. It likely would improve the app. We could always just have a remembrance thread of the old accounts, and keep them in our thoughts that way lol.