The Weekly Implosion #3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hill_, Jun 3, 2011.


    by Hill

    so heres this weeks implosion
    hope u guys like it 


    Ok this time it's gonna be a little more short...

    The movie is called I am number four [/size] you guys probably already seen this movie and it's freaking awesome... It's kind if a weird story but it's still a cool movie... (post what u guys think of this movie.)

    Pic of the week

    Just vote for the pic u think that should be the pic of the week

    Last week winner was:


    Now, for this week pics:





    remember to vote! 

    Meme of the week

    If u dont know whats a meme heres the link to the explanation
    note*: i do not own that link

    Todays meme:

    Forever alone:

    It's my second favorite meme and I hope u guys like it... This meme is soposed to show u the feeling of any moment of loneliness... It's funny and epic in it's own way. For more info go to this link: ... fKNjCd5mc0
    I don't own that link...

    here are some pics:



    Yes I know it looks like a potato XD


    ok so... forums have been ok this week mods are doing the normal and noobs do the tipical thing... And the new plan on forums is a PIMD blog (let's see how that goes)... But other things on forums have been usual...

    Featured Person

    Ok so I'm trying something new..
    Im looking for the featured person...

    This person helps the PIMD community, was part (and still is) of my PIMD journey and it's one of the best guys I know... It's Zeus or also known as Kdog his life has been as long as mine here at PIMD and he is a good Mod. I want all of you nooks and forumers to respect Zeus an every Mod in the PIMD community.

    Let's vote for the next week featured person (post the name of the person)

    if u have any coments about the entertainment section please wall me

    oh and im planning on doing other sections ill list it here and tell me what u think, if u would like to see it on the next issue or not... here it is:
    • best thread in the week im PIMD forums
    • extereme noob of the week
    • new clubs that sound that may be cool
    • Jokes (good ones and bad ones)

    Hope u guys like this weeks issue
  2. Alot of typos -.-'
  3. Ill be editor :D oh I vote 4
  4. Thanks 
  5. ©®™
  6. Sophie... U can nominate yourself tho... And u need more people to vote for the one you voted so I can make her the person of the week
  7. And if people vote for another person it maybe more complicated but hey, that's how votes work XD
  8. I likey number 4

    Hmm best thread of the week? I say Leonardo's drug thread.

    I nominate hmmm who to nominate? I can't decide
  9. If no one else votes more than 2 times for someone else Adelynn is gonna b the next week featured person
  10. I vote for danzo
  11. I'll vote Danzo too

  12. 0_o we need another cote so we can untie this
  13. Picture: 1
    Thread: Leonardo's drug thread
    Forum person: I would nominate myself but I'll never win (pessimistic, eh?) so I nominate Adelynn
  14. (Adelynn) 3-2 (danzo) keep voting XD
  15. Oooo I know!! I vote for my mommy, Nikki42  lol
  16. And how long does one have to vote. As in when will voting end? Just clarifying :3

  17. Like till the votes reach more than 11 XD or wendesday
  18. I changed my mind.
    Forum person: me! 