Having participated in two of those wars I must say I had a lot of fun but with or without hunt some players (like me) are willing to join wars (unless it's 2x payout cc of course) I wish they were more frequent. Also I'd like to congratulate the players who organized them, Hotty♡, Grrrr...(I'm still waiting for Whitney to kill me for the We... thing),DJ and Daz
Lol 'Hotty' Haha yeah many of us will war during hunts, but many also dont want to fall behind. These breaks make both worlds happy
I support this I was working 12hr shifts I was invited to all but couldn't go which was the lame part I love good wars maybe next time
Great Job, Rude! It's been really fun with all these wars happening and I hope we have more of these breaks
I'm sleep deprived, but it's for a good reason this time. I was able to attend all these wars and somehow lose all of them as well.? Great wars, and great review. <3