The Wanted Adds

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Tazman656 (01), Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Here you can tell people why you should be hired and how much you cost. It's easy and hopefully people will look through this in the future and use it to hire you!  ( or not )

    The forum alien
  2. I need to volley so post dangnabit
  3. I need someone to volley me ! Cuz I'm cute and worth it!
  4. I'll do anything for a hire...
    Anything 

    I'm not a dirty campus chat sexter.
  5.  cuz i love jesus ...
  6. Hire me cause I'm an alien ! Also because I made this thread!!!!
  7. R u sure ninz? 
  8. I'm worth 1.2bil and stats are 6k.hire me ^_^
  9. Pls volley me cause i hv got good stats and i am an active player and i will help u also in anything:)
  10. meow
    5mil ish
    Hire me, I bring tiger blood!!!
  11. I only cost 2.6bil with 7k combined stats
  12. I need volleyed cuz I have a kick ass name...n we can all make money
  13. I'm less than 1.1 billion my stats are 4000 and something combined
  14. That's not what u were saying last night ninz 
  15. Hi pls hire or volley me cause i have good stats and i am an active player and i will also help or do anything to the person who hires me:)
  16. I really need to be Volleyed, good AND even stats
  17. Hire me 5bil with 7.6k combined stats