The Partnership

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The_Cash_Lover, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. The Partnership.

    Day 1

    Chance was chillin' in his room as his boss called.

    Chance: Sup boss?

    Boss: You partner Chad was stolen by Shadow!

    Chance: Do you mean that crappy badguy who steals people in the shadows?

    Boss: Yes him

    Chance: Ok Im on it!

    Boss: Chance get me some cupcakes.

    Chance: Really now?

    Boss: Yes Im hungry. That's your mission get Chad and the cupcakes

    Chance: Ok boss

    Chance flew off on his unicorn to Shadows headquaters

    Chance: Show yourself shadow!

    Unknown voice: You don't need to worry about shadow.

    Chance: Show yourself

    Unknown voice: Its me Chad.

    Chad: You came to get me?

    Chance: And cupcakes

    Chad: To the Cupcakes!

    As the Partners were getting the cupcakes they got a call.

    Amanda: There was a spaceship found in Greenland.

    Chad: We will be right there.

    After they got their cupcakes the flew to Greenland.

    Chad: I got my slingshot. Go find some rocks for me.

    Chance: Ok

    As Chance was walking back with the rocks he fell down and the rocks fell in the water. Then an alien pops out of the water!

    Chance: Oh my Boss!

    Chad: What happend.

    Chance: I don't have time to tell you!

    Chad: My rainbow gun can't hurt him! Find something to beat him with!

    Chance hoped on his unicorn and flew to where Shadows dead body is. Then he made a bomb out of him.

    Chance flew back and..

    Chance: Chad get out of there!

    Chad: Ok

    Chad has left.

    Right after Chad left the alien ate the cupcakes!

    Chance: Thats it you must die!

    He threw the bomb and... BOOM

    Chad: And he threw the bomb and the alien died!

    Boss: Did you get cupcakes?

    Chance: The alien ate them...

    Boss: Thats it You two our on Dish-Duty!

    Chad and Chance: 

    What do you think?
  2. This is Fan-Fic >.<
  3. I have it on fan fic but I wonder what people think :D