The Newest Girl Avi....

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Broken_Death_Angel, May 26, 2015.

  1. Does the left boob have a nipple trying to come up or no?

    I totally see a nipple but some friends think its not... Help me out PIMD player
  2. That's totes a nipple 
  3. Definitely a nip!
  4. The boob is saying hello
  5. I sooo see a nîpple
  6. Nîpple!!!!!!!!
  7. We're talking about the Hollywood girl Avi correct?
  8. Yes we are if you screen shot
  9. I believe that's the newest Avi :)
  10. If it's a nipple she's got an unfortunate pair of boobs.

    & I say that as a boobologist
  11. I see nipple too
  12. This statement is true. I can confirm.
  13. Me neither ?
  14. I see simply as the way it's shaded the lighting
  15. Agreed

    Stop looking so hard nooblet yo eyes are gonna pop out ya head next :roll: