The Last Ancient

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Wing_Fanchu_Skullduggery (01), Apr 9, 2011.

  1. Sorry last thread was a fail. The story is now gonna be here(since I gotta rewrite anyway) me and fletch are co writing this bitch
  2. If this happens: A's, then I'm tired of correcting the stupid auto correct
  3. When I'm writing the story I have 2 correct it from A's to as every time cuz of the stupid autocorrect
  4. Here it is: enjoy
    The last ancient
    Chapter 1

    Otto tried snapping his fingers. No spark came.
    'maybe u're an adept?' said fletch.
    Fletch had red hair, a long red blade, and a big read coat he wore all the time. His hair was down to his shoulders.
    'maybe Dan will teach u adept sorcery.' fletch said. 'where is Dan anyway?'
    'out practicing his "ninja moves"' Otto said. 'and what kind of powers do adepts have?'
    'any kind of power they can learn.' fletch said. U can either be an elemental sorcerer, or an adept. But u can't be both.'
    'why not?'
    'well, it might be possible just that nobody's ever done it.' said fletch.
    'ok. Well I will go find Danny now.'

    They were all the same age, dan being the exception, and yet they were family. It wasn't like direct connections Type of family, but more like a family they all agreed upon. Otto was in this family for about a week. He watched his parents die in front of him a month ago. Otto didn't know who did it, but the stranger mentioned something about the ancients to them before he killed them. They resisted. They used magic. It was the magic that killed every1 in that room. Luckily, Otto wasn't in that room. He was watching from the stairs, and it happened so fast that he didn't have a chance to act. As far A's he knew, he saw his family use both adept and elemental magic. He wondered which one of the two he could use. Adept sounded better than elemental.
  5. Am I in this one too or no...?
  6. Re-describe urself. Differently though

    And cyber, r u fine w/ being bad?
  7. Name=Joe

    Appearance=Asian, black hair, strong, medium height, black eyes and a giant scar down my arm to show that I fight...

    Personality=proud of myself, fights anyone that makes me angry, makes smart comments ._., and I'm short tempered

    Cloths=anything athletic 
  8. Otto you can't have a story without your lover in it 
  9. U guys will have 2 be approved by fletch A's well. We're cowriting
  10. What's so funny?!
  11. I want to be in the story
  12. Everyone can be in the story as long as they give a detailed description

    Now it's my turn to wright
  13. Fletch picked up his phone and called Dan.
    'where are you, I think Otto is more suited to be 'one of your kind' he just can't connect with the elements'
    'I'm at the bay' Fletch unlocked his car, it was a black Aston Martin DBS.
    'get in Otto' Otto climbed into the car and they set off to the bay to meet Dan. Fletch liked his car, he was borderline obsessed with it, he was thinking about when he first learnt sorcery, it was a dark night and he was being chased by a police officer for possession of drugs, that was when it happened, a flurry of black fire shot out of his hands, hit the police officer and sent him flying over 200 yards, Fletch was considered an elemental but he controlled the magics of the dead aswell, necromancy, but he kept that hidden from most people. Then a spear of magic burst through the front two wheels of the DBS an flipped the car.
  14. Thanks, I wanted to end it on a cliffhanger for you
  15. I'm doing my homework right now, but tell me who it is on pal.