The iRant for sale!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Echo-, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. :| I already invented a such thing called the iRant

    In fact, if you subscribe, I'll give you a iRant DAILY!
  2. 
  3. Mine is free all you need ti do is subscribe on WRN :|
  4. Technically negative isn't a number :|
    Still my iRant is in WRN, which is weekly, but if you subscribe you get iRants daily.
  5. In soviet russia I rants you!
  6.  wierd. I invented a iHate. Tell it who you hate and it will bitch slap them. For $.49!!!!

    At ceilingmart. Made in Thailand
  7. Yours is a iDevice, mine is in the forum paper :lol:
  8. I invented the Haterade too :3
  10. I'm not allowed in china any more
  11. I have a chicken leg can I get one?
  12. iScrewed is a new iDevice that can get you into a lot of trouble
    To get a iScrewed TODAY!