The history repeats itself again in Pimd World. The Falling of a Great Man cos of one Simply but super Smartazz Woman. But now with a twist.. The begin of the falling stage of the Great Playmates and Harem. "Before you start a war, you better know what you are fighting for" this is a wise word for us to about. There are a lot small reasons to start the fight but it is very rare that people really look into the root causes and be fair to judge, before jumping in the middle of it and even so proud to claim that it is an "act of honor" ...hahahahah... But at the end when the truth breaks out.. They can never call it honor. Maybe horror? Lol "One can never know, unless thy experienced on their own." Think this over before doing such act. Fighting over tut? Yes it is childish. But fighting over the principle behind it, now that is different. Do you hire your friend's tut? Your friend's gf/bf and then pretend that "nothing happened". Not even feel sorry or apologize. What do you think of this kind of friend? When infact we always make our love one "over priced" and that friend can even pretend that she "doesn't know the market price." Of course she is after the profit coz she know regardless of being "overpriced" of that tut, she know "her gf will hire him back" so yeah "free bump". This kind of friend is freaking worth of spanking. Hahahaha BUT that friend has the guts to stand up so arrogantly bcos she hides in Playmates, the club that is well known as a sfw Legend. With the words that she told them and with some twisted facts. The club backed her up Hahaha fight over the tut. Hahaha I'm alone.. standing up and fighting for my right. happy and enjoying my solo hunt. While her honorable club is doing all the dirty works. What's wrong with that? I don't wanna bend to the Cf and drop 3 T8 dorm mates and apologized to that nice snack woman. Hell no!! HERE I AM. STANDING ALONE AND FACING MY CONSEQUENCES! LETS PLAY.. I'M YOUR PLAYMATE AND I'M IN YOUR HAREM ..THE MIGHTY VK . Hahaha But now. You are such a coward you can't fight me and conquer me. can't find a way to take me down? So You hit other INNOCENT players. Find my friends who are close to me and farm them too? Seriously? YOU ARE TRULY BULLIES NOW. HITTING MY FRIENDS FOR? TO MAKE ME BEND TO YOUR RULE?? HELL NOOO And what now? Did that SNACK LADY HIT ME? hahaha sometimes in sometimes. Cos she got what she wanted already. .. Set me up and set you all up hahahahahah I HOPE MY FRIENDS CAN UNDERSTAND AND ENDURE THE HITTINGS . AND ALL THE PIMD PLAYERS KNOW . WHAT A BIG BULLIES ARE PLAYMATES AND HAREM. TO VK AND MY PUP. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE TAPS. AND HELLO MY TRUE FRIEND PAW. I THINK ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME.. WAIT FOR ME..LOVE LOVE.. MWUAHUGS XOXO
Yep u know it's official when u get owned by one of them. They are nice saving your old pupil from having a tut drop stats on them ?
As i say no one pushed u to read so, just dont complain. That's my point, again im not a fan of people taking words literally.