the goody goody and trouble

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *girlwholikestobecalledrose (01), May 23, 2011.

  1. Preface- I was 11 when I met oscar, but I barely noticed him. I would walk and he would follow me like a little puppy, and I slowly started to like him. But he changed, grew to take advantage of me and call me names (bit**, sl**, cheater) he got in more trouble at school, intentionally tried to make me jealous, but I still loved him

    May 23, 2011
    " you like him, dontcha bit**" oscar said. " no I don't, I just talked to him" I told him for the 5th time. Oscar should know what cheating meant, he partnered up with his old girlfriend just to spite me. " Well, either me or him, if you don't delete him from your Facebook I will kill him!" Oscar stalked off.

    If you want to read more comment, I
    Just posting part of what happened to me today.
  2. Dang! Dump Oscar! Livin in a trash can๎„ˆ
  3. Thx for the advice :) his mom recently sent in a picture he had on his phone of me ( in a swimsuit) to the school and said it was my fault for him acting up. It got me upset because I felt everyone lost their respect of me, because they think I sent the pic. I am just going to stop talking to him, I like him, but I don't want to ruin my life
  4. Fuckin' ruin his life. He did it to you already
  5. I hope he realizes that it's his fault, not everything is someone else fault