The French are woke, when are Americans gonna be woke?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _Death-, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. Hello Americans
  2. When its their time to wake up
  3. We can’t exactly wake up from anything when we know it’s bad and get killed for saying so. Most of us have family, kids, or pets we can’t leave if we’re one of the many killed, taken, or forever injured from even peaceful protests.
  4. Wrong can still join the peaceful revolution called bitcoin without getting killed
  5. Ew another scam bot
  6. Careful, you'll regret this attitude when us bots take over
  7. I will never regret being against scammers. But bots started taking over years ago. You blind if you havnt noticed that
  8. Are u calling me a scammer?
  9. Nah I’m not a mourning person or a morning person
  10. Woke wook kuch nahi hota, subha 5 baje utha Karo sab theek ho jayega!
  12. How am I a scammer? Care to explain?
  14. No thanks don’t the french folks like to surrender during world wars and stuff. Now if you would have included some French Bulldog puppies pics maybe this thread could be saved……
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  15. Ah lil bítch boy Jaco is still alive