The fontaignes

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by sherlockmysterydetective, May 30, 2019.

  1. Do you know of lord and lady fontaigne' watson? They were minor luminaries on the social scene, and i said as much." It is their wedding anniversary today." How delightful for them'" i replied. " possibly holmes mused did you know that nineteen years ago' when they married lady fontaigne was just one third of her husband's age. Today he is but twice as old as she is." " remarkable. Quite can you deduce how old fontaigne was on her wedding day?
  2. She was 19 on her wedding day but then again I cant math
  3. Right your right good job another riddle then
  4. I had a stroke trying to read that
  5. It was 19?? Damn. I thought for sure that was wrong.
    I don't trust my math skills ?