The FIRST Annual Noob War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by l0l-Kelon-l0l, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. So it has come to my attention, and many if yours, there are no forum/theme wars for the Noobs. So i've decided to take out some time to help get one organized, teach some of you how to war and organize the first annual

    Noob War

    I and My friend will host it

    Name of the clubs, rules and date of war will be revealed at a later date.

    Club Name/Theme ideas:
    ‧Noobs Vs. Nooblets
    ‧Experienced Vs. Unexperienced
    ‧Them Vs. Us
    ‧Noobs Vs. Newbs

    Must be 200kcs or less

    If you wish to Participate please Do,
    State your kcs and help us decide of name of the clubs :D
    ⇩Sign up here⇩
  2. I Support this
  3. I would like to sign up Rehab_joey_essex. He's the king of the noobs.
  4. I support!!!
  5. 80kcs im interested if im not working
  6. Why 200 kcs ?
    My vote goes to experienced vs inexperienced
  7. 92kcs. I'd be interested if I'm not working, so it depends on what day it is. I've never been in a war before, but I read the guide. And I like Us vs. Them.
  8. Im interested 60kcs
  9. I will take part 
  10. My friend and I*
  11. Should make it anyone who is t4 or lower. It could also count as war prep so noobies learn to war.
  12. ?can I drop stats an join
  13. 183kcs

    Ill join as long as its not the same time as the Christmas War ️
  14. 193kcs, them vs us
    But depend on the date though
    If can pm me when ready
  15. I am interested 92kc's..
  16. 146kcs
    Im in 