the emoji

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *bubblesezza (01), Oct 4, 2011.

  1. I think this is a repeat of my other thread but I can't find it so I made another one

     hahaha that's funny
     that's nice, thanks
     Really? Cool!
     awwww I'm flattered
     wanna talk dirty? OR you two would make a great couple
     love you with kisses
     love you
     ummm awkward
     duh I told you so
     I'm so happy for you.... not!
     haha weird
     ewwww gross!
     you disgust me
     your such an idiot
     what do I do?!
     *sigh* I've give up
     kinda makes me sad
     I'm gonna cry
     omg I need ideas quick!
     I'm gonna get in so much trouble!!
     oh no!
     I'm scared
     I'm getting teary
     waaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!
     I'm so shocked I'm dying
     oh my god!
     don't piss me off
     don't push it
     I've got a cold
     I'm sick
     I am an alien. I come in peace
  2. Oh u talk dirty
  3. oh why hello there 
  4. CandyFloss's version:
     omg you look like a nerd!
     hey there!
     It's my birthday! Whoopeedoo!
     oh darling thank you
     Shhh... Secret
     I love you! Will you marry me darling!
    MUUUAAAACKS! Te amo!
     you feelin hot? I blow wind?
     omg or that's awkward, stupid.
     duh!
     Shy laughing (like eheheh, sorry)
     Bluek! You cannot catch me! -.-
     I bet you can't show your sexy tongue!
     humph! You stole my cookie!
     hehehe.. I'm going to steal my cookie back.
     Were you tAlking to urself fool?
     I failed my exam... -looks at grade- -cry-
     Why must this all happen?!?!
     Give me mercy!
     A guy is going to hack my PIMD. Scary
     You found me?!?! What method did you use? I've always thought you were blind!
     humph!
     my cat died.. noo!
     huhuhu.. -flood place with tears-
     OOPS sorry I stole your cookie
     I'm dead!
     You knew I was stealing your cookie?
     Angry.. 1 2 3 testing
     Angry SUPER RAGE! Beware!
     Next time.. I should have stolen his milkshake instead.
     (what should I say)?
     You!!
     Aliens (A51) lmao