I may or may not continue this. Depends if I actually get bumps. "Mmm." The therapist leaned in closer, "Come again?" But I kept my head bent low, avoiding his gaze and examining my wrinkled hands. The man sighed, and slumped in his chair, massaging his forehead slightly, as if exasperated, "Well, Gillian, you are going to have to talk some time," I growled involuntarily and snapped at him, "It's Li, not Gillian," I said through gritted teeth. "Ah." he looked satisfied that he had gotten me to say some words, maybe thinking that he would get a higher pay. I wanted to slap him for that. I heard a creak, and the metal door to the dark room eased open, and a shaken nurse popped her head into the room. "Y-Your time is up." she mustered, and I flipped my bangs out of my face and sent her a smirk just to terrify her. "Yes, okay." the therapist said, as if he couldn't wait to leave, standing up and bidding me good bye, to which I gave no response too. Had an hour already passed? I racked my mind for my next session, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't have anything next. I would just be locked in my windowless room, with my small notebook and pencil to keep my company. Two security guards entered the room and roughly pulled me out of my seat, dragging me outside. The sunlight hit my eyes, and I squinted. My vision slowly focused, and I come see the terrified stares and whispers of the fellow nurses as I was brought to my cell. "...I heard she killed a famous businessman..." "....I saw that on the news..." "...she's a psycho, locked up in a ward now...." "....she's so strange ...." I sent them all death glares to which they all gasped and retreated to the nearest wall. Once inside my room, I let out a laugh. A famous businessman? Please. He was notorious con man. Everything was lies. Stupid, careless lies. I had a reason for that murder. The feel of his blood making a small puddle; my grip of the long rusted metal pole; I felt like I had brought justice to my pack mates. I cast my eyes low as I made my way to my bed, the hinges creaking as I lay down at it. I simply stared at the peeling paint on the ceiling, thinking. They didn't have to die... Especially...Especially for something I did. I shut my eyes, and the peeling blackened. I should be dead. They should be living their lives. They were young...too young to die... "Hey, can we do another round in the Arena?" Daniel gave me a mocking pout, gesturing wildly at the warehouse. I grunted, nodding swiftly. I was too preoccupied with my next plan to mind them. "Yes!!" Daniel hurried off with Steven and Valerie, cheering and heading to the training room. Immature kids...they didn't know the obstacles of life yet, I thought. I'm their Alpha, it's suddenly my responsibility, huh? My phone buzzed, and glared at the anonymous number. "Hello?" I barked. "Ahh. Hello Li." the man on the other end said, and I snapped my teeth, recognizing the voice. "What?" "I'd just like to apologize..." I heard the teasing smile in his voice. "For what?" I had no time for his mind games. "For...this." There was an explosion, and suddenly chunks of metal and flickers of flames are enveloping me. I didn't even have time to grab my knife or gun, though I don't know what I would have done with it. I couldn't do anything. I watched, fazed, in dismay as the ruins lit up in flames, the smell of smoke of filling my nose. Only one thing pounded in my mind, and it was like a stab to the heart multiplied by a million. My pack. That was the day. That was the day I vowed that I would kill everyone and anyone who had something to do with that explosion. At no costs. No, she is not a werewolf. I will explain in the next update if I do continue!
Bump! I was reading that while watching the Neverending story, and I was at the bit where the horse died, and I just cried
Thank you! Please read my story Different too! If you don't want to read it cause it's too long (102 pages lol), then please check my One-Shot! It's called Footprints in the Sand. "I'm sorry." the director muttered, keeping the papers on his desks ad peering at me with caution. I narrowed my eyes at him. What, he was guarded now? I was a threat now? I looked around at the small office. This was the second time I'd been here. The first...I shudder even at the thought of it. "So, you're just going to give up on me?" I snapped, feeling the betrayal and anguish building up inside of me. "Like I said, I'm sorry." he said, not looking the least bit sorry, "Haylee is outside, ready to bring you to Brighton." I scoffed, "No way in hell am I going to that dump." I crossed my arms over my chest and taunted him with my eyes. He didn't even acknowledge my glare. Instead, he sighed, as if he deals with angry employees every day. "Then we will have to extract your Abilities, and get rid of your memory," he said the threat casually, but the meaning was clear. I, in the mean time, was furious. I angrily leapt out of my chair and gripped the edges of the table, growling at him, but he sat there still, looking at me with an unfazed glance. "Listen sir, " I emphasized my strong sarcasm, "I have been with this company my whole freaking life. I lost everything here. And now you expect me to just leave for some loco facility?! I have Abilities, and you and I both know I can get. Something. Accomplished." with each of the last words, I thumped my fist against the wooden table hard, and pens jumped and fell. Another sigh, "Please Agent-" "I have a name." "Li-you have to understand. You violate the rules, you get punished. Simple." "NO!" I screamed, "I will not understand. It is NOT that simple. He killed my pack! You understand THIS, mister. When Jack Barton murdered my family, HE gets murdered. And you don't want to be the next one to-" "Good bye, Agent." Suddenly two security guards were griping my elbows, pulling me away from the table. I shrugged them off. "I'll leave by myself, thank you very much," I said. Stupid. This was stupid. I don't want to go to Brighton. I'm not crazy. I'm not even close. I wanted revenge. Is that bad? As I opened the metal door, the voice of the director called out to me one last time. "We will be in touch, Li." ------- The light streamed at my face, and I muttered angrily, cursing the sun. The sun. My eyes flew open immediately. My room didn't have windows, how would I get sunlight? Becky, that's why. She stood over my bed, flashing the flashlight at my face. I was about to snap at her for waking me up, but it was Becky; and I'd never snap to Becky. Becky was this elderly woman who seemed to know everyone and everything in this facility. She was probable the only person who didn't flinch from my glare, and she was the only one brave enough to directly interact with me. For that, she earned my respect. "Rise and shine, sweetheart!" she said chirpily, still waving the flashlight around like a maniac. "Ugh..." was my reply. She only chucked, "Come on sleepyhead. You have a visitor today!" That got my attention? A visitor? Me? "Are you sure? This isn't a joke?" I remembered this new nurse who felt a little too close to me a few months back jokingly announced that the director have visited. I believed her, and her neck didn't enjoy it when I found out she was lying. "Nope, no joke. Says he's from CGMT or something like that," Becky said, clapping her hands and picking out the prescribed uniform from my closet and handing it to me. I took it silently, my head spinning. CGMT. Was it real? Was there really the director? Had the Constitution of Genetically Modified Teenagers finally decided to rescue me? I jumped out of my bed and started quickly changing. In a minutes, I was ready. Becky smiled and led me outside, where nurses gaped at my seemingly happy behavior. Finally, I stood outside the door marked Conference Room , my heart beating wildly. Becky gave me one last reassuring smile. Here we go. I pushed the door open with my sweaty hands, and darkness enveloped me. "I prefer darkness, don't you?" It was him. The same darn director that locked me in here. I studied his features through the darkness. Same wrinkles, same frown, same wedding band around his finger. After a year, he looks the same. Wow. "Please, Li, sit down." my night vision eyesight made it simple to locate a seat and sit down. "What do you want to talk about?" I snapped immediately. He chuckled, "My, you haven't changed a bit, Agent." "You didn't answer my question," I said irritatingly. He laughed again, "It's about Brighton." Hope swelled in my throat and I asked the question that had been pounding over me for the past year. "Am I leaving?" All my hope crashed as he shocked his head. My world fell, dropping out of the axis, failing into nothingness, in the hands of gravity's mercy. The director shook his head, "No, that's not it..." "See, Li, you're not leaving..." "But someone's coming. That. Was. So. Long. Kinda. Ish.
*and *probably *that got my attention. (with a period) *"But someone's coming" (with a quotation mark) Darn mistakes.