The Days of Old

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IYP-RocketScience-0_0-, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. I'm curious as to what the old days of PIMD were like. I've been here since December of last year, and I feel like I don't know as much as I'd like. So I'm calling on all you vets out there to give me your stories and insights about old clubs, the times before parties, wars, famous things, what have you. And no rude comments please, just good stories. Thanks for posting in advance 
  2. Gozo Bear Family
  3. Careful before obeydrake comes crying
  4. Who cares? We dem boyz now.
  5. Howl up we dem boyZ
  6. Wars all day...... Not talking about pwars though
  7. I'm not an older player, joined around March 2012, but it was much better back then. I can't really explain why though. The people who played back then were better, in general.
  8. I'm guessing there were less W0ND3R's playing back then 
  9. It was basically a lot of wars and a lot of farming ? clubs would more be judged on how many wars they had won unlike today. Clubs are usually judged by how many parties or pro parties they complete. I don't claim to be a Vet I just had an acct. around that time then I stopped playing the game for a good while and I just started playing again like a year ago.
  10. With you around here I'm Rocketeer let's fly
  11. Well most Part I rembr about this game back in the day definitely the people were actually talkitive and yes there were pervs not as many and I liked how campus chat u could scroll up n see post 10 min ago some times more n now lucky to see a post 2 min back looks like kaw wc now n volleying was my best source of cash I was t3 lcbc in a few weeks just cuz of volleys it always had a different atmosphere back then compared to today's pimd now u can't scroll threw a whole campus chat without seeing something that don't.involve pimd old school pimd was better cuz of the little things I think but I only got this game In October after it's release so idk b4 wars n stuff but atleast there were real wars back then on a daily bases
  12. Thanks for posting Jessy! 
  13. Just more pervs
  14. Lame probably. Not as great as everyone likes to say.