the dark barcodes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIl, Jan 5, 2015.

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  1. the barcode brotherhood has fought during the night. The evil enemy cat will be destroyed. Cat clubs must suffer. My brothers and sisters will hit. No more warnings. support the brotherhood. all cat clubs will be destroyed by the end of this month. -The barcode supremacy- promies.
  2. Fite me irl
  3. No support

  4. thongs would be supportive
  5. I'm selling cats for 5m DV. Come get them before they run out!
  6. go fake a disease elsewhere bitch
  7. I would, but you aren't hulk
  8. Bras are even more supportive
  9. fuck you
  10. Moffy's so trustworthy.?
  11. Wow, you're so funny op
  12. The end of this month huh? :lol:
  13. I bought a cat from her, it's legit?
  14. Can i pay my cats with gifts???
  15. the brotherhood promise
  16. cat clubs are for bitches
  17. I got free cats!
  18. that a yes?
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