The ''and'' game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kronosss, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. This is the and game.
    Rules: To see how long we can keep the sentence going. You have to end your statement with the word AND, and the next poster with continue the sentence.

    Let's try it.

    I was sitting in my house when hitler came and
  2. I shit myself
  3. I pooped my self and
  4. That's what I just said but nastier lol

    I ran for my life
  5. I weird myself out and
  6. I read a book, while trying to eat and
  7. I got caught by the cops and
  8. I ran and dropped my sword and
  9. Picked it back up and
  10. Dropped it again and
  11. A car ran over it and
  12. Took a shower and
  13. Wrong spot

    I left it there and looked for a gun
  14. I found one that was at the bottom of the hill and
  15. Bought a car and
  16. Started drool uncontrollably while I grabbed a Kleenex my friend called and
  17. And I pretty sure I tripped
  18. This is a run on sentence. If you want one sentence then you should be using semicolons.
  19. And your point is mister english teacher
  20. And I shot the smart ass