That moment when...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sup_, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. The game is pretty simple. It's when you say a awkward/funny moment. For example...

    That moment when you don't have any toilet paper and you already went?

    That moment when you are dancing and somebody walking in

    And that's all their is to it. I just like seeing what people would put down for a laugh.
  2. That moment when your dick refuses to erect when you're just about to do sex
  3. That moment when you sneeze on Sombody.

  4. Same
  5. That moment when you fart in a elevator full of people :lol:
  6. The struggle is real
  7. When your dick too big it won't fit
  8. That moment when the love of your life rejects you on PimD.
  9. Keep the thread clean guys???
  10. That moment when you're eating then you stop for a moment and someone asks "Are you gonna eat that"
  11. That moment when Selena Gomez rejects you on a thread everyone can see!

    Jk tho 
  12. That moment you fall on your butt in the ice rink?
  13. :geek: that moment when you answer a question and the person says "You're actually smart!?"
  14. That moment when you realize you have only been at work less than an hour……
  15. That moment when someone says "that's what she said", but it's not what she said at all.
  16. That moment when you try to open a jar of peanut butter and a Lil kid does it for you :lol:
  17. The moment when your having a good conversation with your mom & she suddenly says "Don't Be A Thot" ?
  18. That moment when you remember you forgot homework
  19. That moment when someone tells you Santa isnt real