Discussion in 'Wars' started by -FREEDOM-, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Ayyy miss you fellas 
  2. Miss you too
  3. You return and THAT'S ALL U HAVE TO SAY? Lame.
  4. Badboys 4 life 
  5. Terror fell?
    Man lot happens in 4 months
  6. 
  7. I miss them too, not too often is there an entire club with no pots to milk all day everyday
  8. Freedom?

    No Matches?
  9. 
  10. ACHILLS lol thats an interesting reason to miss them. Xp but i agree
  11. 
  12. Who is Achilles hmmm don't remember you milking me lol freedom nice to see u 
  13. 

    Rally the troops Jimmy 

    Can't wait to thumb wrestle 

     When you're ready, come and get it. Na na na naa

  14. Or better still jimmy.. Bc that account, get it farmed, reset it again cos that feels so cool for you ?
  15. Blah, I'll create my own army I'll call It.

  16. Ok, stop with the inane trash talk. It's more pointless now than it was then. 
  17. Stay active we r watching
  18. Everything u do
  19. We will see