Temporary Outage **RESOLVED**

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd_admin, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. We are experiencing a problem in our data server. We are working to fix the problem. We will keep you posted. -> ** THIS HAS BEEN RESOLVED **
  2. Re: Temporary Outage

    Working again for me
  3.  Happens
  4. Ok…i thought it was my phone…were all good ^_^
  5. Cant see full cc chat 
  6. I'd like to know what you are going to do over the lost real money from your 'outage'...real money wasted in dn?
  7. The new update is.working for me.
  8. Still not working... Still writing like funny and still can only see one line in chat instead of 4/5 lines like before
  9. Lost money during the outage? How exactly ? :mrgreen:
  10. Issue still not fixed after update
  11. Same here, downloaded the second update and my text in cc only is all messed up
  12. Update. has messed up text on androids
  13. chat messages cant read back.. i cant scroll up to read other messages from wc,cc, and tc