I'll go first! I was dating this guy and he was emo. He was abused until he was 11 his dad killed his mom and dog infront of him. He doesnt go a day without crying. He was paranoid about everything and thought I would leave him. He lives with his aunt who also saved him from his dad. His dad ended up killing himself. He moved away from me though so we couldn't make it work.now tell me.. What was ur CRAZYIEST ex or just ur CRAZYIEST relationship!
I hate my fucking ex ex bf ....He hurt me every day and he even stabbed me he hurt me so bad I still have the picture in my head of what he did !!
Na he not in jail! He only hurt me ! Me and my friends were walking he came grabbed me and stabbed me in my back ! I've got scars
the knife was stuck in my back the blood was everywhere. My friends where panicking they where screaming and shouting for help ! I was lying in the floor
@Cookie0024 you don't have to read them if you don't want to or don't like them. I just get bored so the Forums is a fun place to go when I feel like I've done everything to try to conquer my boredom.
@RaychelElla one time my friend went out with a guy and after 4 days he broke up with her because "he needed his space." But they spent less than 5 minutes together and now he's trying to get back with her.
I walked in on my ex wearing my panties (thong) I was like umm it's over I miss those panties...
Lol jks that's a movie My ex had been seeing another guy and had been keeping it secret but I knew already. So she decided to tell me and when she told me I said I know I have been waiting for the time you would tell me. It took her 10months from the day she started going out with him to the day she told me. She broke up with me on that night. Wait... That makes me the crazy ex