Tell Me a Thing

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. Tell me about your favourite/most interesting relationship heartbreak. I will gift misc if there is effort kty. Cannot do background checks so feel free to make some nonsense up in hopes of scoring my sc items.
  2. Ignored af. Y'all better share your trauma and sadness w me rn.
  3. Requesting Lock
  4. Pimd stats or real life?
  5. O a friend I had once that I cared for ridiculously more than anyone before and my favorite person in the world in like every way and we were like the closest thing to dating possible decided that we were better off not being friends because of (long story) and it smashed my soul into a billion pieces and I still regret it all often to this day since she still uses a third party app but probs has me blocked still. :) that’s the only real heartbreak moment I’ve had before
  6. Go away
  7. Wut
  8. That is sad. I will go convince her she was wrong if you would like.
  9. Op has serious daddy issues.
  10. This seems unrelated. Weren't you quitting? I saw that deleted thread
  11. Someone tried once but it was no use :) rip LOL it gets much worse but like sometimes it do be like that
  12. Ohai. Umm long story short, he was a dıck and moved away for work after living together for 3 years, refused to move back even after being out there for a year. Apparently was also cheating on me which i didn't find out till later on.

    Jokes on him though he lost his job out there soon after i broke up with him.
  13. Lmao that's the funniest karma. For your sake, I am glad bad things happened to him.
  14. I'm a 6yr Vet with horrible stats. I've already did that. But actually that thread was meant for the acct I just created and somehow when I posted it this name pops up ?????
  15. Op needs a hug
  16. I am not in a touchy-feely mood rn actually
  17. Many hues were had ?
  18. Mommy Issues?
  19. No. Do you?
  20. One of my exes threw a tantrum that I was dancing with friends at a club & didn't want to stay sitting in our booth moping. They left without telling me, and took my ID, purse, and inhaler. Chronic asthma + dancing - inhaler = asthma attack. Next day, go over to get my, tell them what happened, & they had the nerve to say it was my own fault for not paying enough attention to them. Excuse me, what? Did you just? Needless to say I left, & never went back. They then decided to tell everyone I cheated on them that night & they ended it. Incorrect, but you do you boo boo. Couple years later, I get a pm saying I broke their heart, they were sorry, would I take them back? Ah, how bout no? You literally left me to die. :roll:

    Anyway. That's just one of many. But is this meant to be about me getting MY heart broken? This one time, an ex bought me the wrong meal from KFC, absolute definition of heart break. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life. So yeah, I ended it. ??‍♀️