
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, May 28, 2019.

  1. I have a deathly fear of tampons. Today I am using one for the second time of my laif. The first time was when I was eleven and I took it out after maybe 10 minutes which hurt like a bìtch. I am terrified of the idea of something just chillin in my body waiting for the moment to give me toxic shock syndrome. Like what if it gets lost or I push the string up too far and can't get it out? What if i accidentally sleep 12 hours instead of 8? After today, I intend to never use a tampon again. This was a mistake and I am stressed af.

    Anyway. Tell me your fears of totally normal things that most ppl use or do but you refuse to because you are a legendary coward like moi.
  2. I used to be scared of taking baths because I was afraid a shark would swim up the drain
  3. I still have that fear. Except instead of a shark I feel like it's gonna be a lizard or tiny crocodile. Same w toilets
  4. My moms co worker has a daughter who lost a leg from toxic shock syndrome  It’s a very scary thing to know someone who’s gotten it before. What I do is use natural products and change them constantly. Have you ever heard of Cora ? It’s an amazing brand and every purchase gives back.
  5. Probably hurt cause you put it in in the wrong area (going too far in or not going in enough)

    Also the times are just suggestions. Sometimes I leave mine in a little longer cause there isn’t much blood left ya know? Basically my mom just told me to take it out every time you go to the bathroom ?‍♀️
  6. Um no. It hurt to take out not to put in. And if you take it out too soon, it hurts because it's dry af and it's tearing up the fragile skin on the inside as you pull it out
  7. Gotcha
  8. Extremely relatable except I’d get that feeling in a pool ? I’d dream about alligators and sharks getting ready to drag me to the bottom. Odd mix now that I think about it ?
  9. Too much information.
  10. You just increased my fears tenfold. Have never heard of Cora but I am curious now and shall look into them. Did the chick do anything specific to encourage tss? Like keeping it in over the 8 hour max? If you know.
  11. Tampons freak me out too and I can never get one in where it feels comfortable enough to go about my day. I like the pads I use anyway. They're on the thinner side, and can hold a decent amount of blood without leakage.
  12. The more you know
  13. Tss
  14. You can tell us about your periods too, Kefo; we won't judge.
  15. Make sure to be detailed
  16. I don't feel the need to overshare :$
  17. I much prefer pads. I just thought I'd try one today since imma be very active and thought maybe it would be more comfortable. This stress is gonna get in the way of my comfort tho and I shoulda just gone with the pad. Which brand do you use, ooc? I usually just get what's cheapest but I'm not a fan of what I've been using lately
  18. Boring