T10 Bugged?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Grumpy, Apr 16, 2019.

  1. So when I exchange any of my dorms to a T10 it ends up getting bugged and stuck on T10. Is this supposed to happen?

    Like I can’t UG it to T11 it doesnt even give me the option to see the price to UG. But I do already have a T11 that I UG from a T9.
  2. I’d send in a ticket
  3. Dvp me all your cash and I’ll help you upgrade
  4. I dont Dvp with strangers ?
  5. Hi my name is Kisi ? Gimmie dvp friend
  6. Hire my 2 tuts for like 3.7T n Ill dvp it to ya. ?
  7. Bye friend
  8. That’s what I thought. ?
  9. Give me 999 or 499 or bookcase as gift
  10. Message ata. Or uninstall app and reinstall