Support Depressed people

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Zoka, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. I just see many people going through a lot in their real life. Some people come here to find some happiness but it just gets more worse. Even I'm a bipolar and I'm just trying to find a way out of my mental sickness. Many are leaving this game with their hopes and heart broken. I just thought we should help each other and take care of ourselves. Peace and happiness is the thing we need not some mcs. let those people go for some fake pixels lol.

    Friendship and Happiness is more important than anything. I have been going through a lot and people here in time just making it worse. please don't fake your friendship for getting some stupid items and benefits from them.

    I posted this on activities but no one responded, so I posted this again here.

    please share your feelings and find your new soulmate or friends here.
    Have a nice day everyone <3
  2. I feel you️

    I'll support you my friend.
  3. I agree, however I also know how people of the interwebs react and that just ain’t it sadly
  4. Don't associate with people who always make you feel negatively. Find the genuine gems and hold them tightly. Some people just like to hear about your issues so that they can spread gossip around, so be careful who you confide in.
  5. I thought the thread title said “short depressed people” and I was like oh! A thread I can relate to! But this is good too, I can still kinda relate. Support for my fellow depressed peeps!!
  6. People suck but some suck less
  7. If anyone needs someone to talk to or needs something I'll be there for you. Just let me know ? I found many great people on pimd from my club and I love them to peices. I'm here if you need some support. I suffer from bipolar disorder also so I understand.
  8. It be like that sometimes
  9. I don’t think people who are really sensitive should share their feelings here. People are kind of cruel here and will use that stuff against you. There's someone here on a 3rd party app whose nùdes i keep seeing in my timeline for example (i keep blocking ppl who post it but then someone else shares it and it reappears). Moral of the story: most ppl here are shady af
  10. That's because threads in the activities subforum do not show up in Active Topics. I recommend only posting in Other PIMD Discussion or Off-Topic if you want people to pay attention to your threads.
  11. I just had a send a ? to this thread. Can’t form cohesive sentences right now, but I support this. I know first-hand now awful depression is. Anxiety, too.
  12. thanks for your support kind people
  13. That's cause you've been talking to the wrong people. Hmu if you feel down or whatever.. I'll do my best to cheer you up. :)
  14. I wish we had a like button or something.. nicely said, Kat.
  15. yeah I wish it was there haha.
    We always need someone by our side. I hope you find someone soon Kat ?
  16. I already found many I guess. Thank you ?
  17. I agree that people with depression need support but I also think it is important to support yourself by seeking the help you need and actively trying to manage your own depression. Unfortunately, the world is full of a lot of less than understanding people and you can not expect them to all give you the support you need. It is also important for anyone, with or without depression, to shake off negativity and toxicity and, coming from someone with depression and knowing a lot of people who claim to be depressed, sometimes we may be toxic to other people and it would be selfish of us to ask them to support us while simultaneously tearing them down with our negative energy. Unless you are taking care of yourself and trying to work on your issues, it is unfair to expect others to support you. ("You" as in, anyone; not you, personally.)
  18. My grandma always advised me to handle my issues myself with little help from here and there instead of expecting people of the world to be nice, kind and understanding
    Everyone is dealing with something. Don't expect people to treat you special. The world is not all bad but it is definitely not all good either
  19. All you need to fight depression is will and desperation to be happy
  20. No support
    It fixes nothing :(