Suggestion: user designed hunts

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by CheesecakeGoddess, May 22, 2019.

  1. I have a suggestion : host a competition for players to design ENTIRE HUNTS.

    Basically, players submit their ideas for avatar, furniture and theme of hunt.

    1. It will reflect what players love.
    2. Encourages more inclusive and diversity e. G. Suggestion of hunts which reflect personal culture e. G. Pinoy hunt, Vietnamese hunt, Native American hunt etc.
    3. It will make the overall game experience more interesting as players will feel that they are included in actively enhancing the experience rather than just play it passively.

    I suggest that as with usual competitions, hand drawing and digital drawing are accepted.. Just do not straight up plagiarize or provoke sensitive topics. It can also be made as a club competition (I guess?)

    Let's say there is such a competition and say three ideas are accepted. Then we let ata design the things based on their artistic style and concept. The hunt ideas can be released based on the developer's discretion.

    This is just a rough idea. It may be good or it may be a little too wild but just.. Kinda shouting my thoughts and throwing out suggestions here because the hunts these days are a little lackluster in my opinion.

    Thank you.
  2. I feel like ATA already does this unofficially tbh. Some hunts occur due to sheer popularity via suggestions. ATA welcomes suggestions and feedback (both for hunts and other game features) through their help tickets. Lots of things have been implemented in the game due to user suggestions ー although ATA doesn't always openly admit it or give "credit" to the player(s) that inspired it.
  3. I realize that there are suggestions in place.. Just kind of like a "design a whole hunt" thing. From avatar to furniture to pet costume to whether is purely party or involve PvP... Is like designing a whole master plan. Hope it makes sense.