Strippers?  Questions?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Yuan47, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Why do people post "strip me" on campus?  stripping is a form of cybering right? 
  2. Strip them as in strip them of their tutors.
  3. Oh... Gotcha. How do I get a stripper? 
  4. I want a stripper of my tutors
  5. I want a stripper of my tutors too, how do I get a stripper? 
  6. Post on WC. Or ask someone politely to hire your tuts.
  7. Will you guys strip me pretty please? 
  8. Sorry I'm broke 
  9.  oh okay thank you anyway.
  10. Rule of etiquette though: Don't wall a random person asking for a strip because they have a lot of $$$, it's rude and disrespectful. Ask to be stripped in WC or by someone you know
  11. Oh. Okay  thank you for the rule. 