Story Time!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Royale30, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Table of Contents:
    Part 1- Page 1
    Part 2- Page 2
    Part 3- Page 5
    Part 4- Page 5
    Part 5- Page 6
    Part 6- Page 9
    Part 7- Page 12
    Part 8- Page 15
    Part 9- Page 17
    Part 10- Page 18
    Part 11- Coming soon!

    Sooooo... I'm back at it. I've only wrote one short part of this story and I already feel a connection to it, so it should be a success.

    It may not be about what you think it is. I hope you all enjoy it.


    Heat radiated from the bright Nebraskan sun on a calm summer day. A few clouds scattered throughout the deep blue sky drifted lazily by. A gentle breeze rustled the healthy, green leaves, creating a soft summer whisper that resounded in the ears of the man standing nearby.

    He stood on a cement path leading to a mahogany door. He debated whether to knock or ring the doorbell, as if it was to decide his life, or death, because an event of this caliber deserved nothing short of perfection. After all, how many years had this plan been in the making?

    Certainly so long that She had given up hope of it becoming a reality. However, the man had not, and now here he was, an arm's reach away from a mission accomplished.

    He was filled with anxiety, and quivering slightly. He had never been one to take even a step out of his comfort zone, and this was a leap. Unknown territory; Dangerous. He considered turning around and returning to the life he was slowly building in his own home, but after coming all this way? He couldn't bring himself to take a step backwards.

    Slowly he raised his arm, delicate blue eyes shifting from the doorbell to the door itself, before finally pushing the button of the bell inward. Ding Dong!

    Ding dong? How original. The man laughed to himself, for he knew Her to be unconcerned with such trivial things. After all, who needs a doorbell that blares smooth jazz when there are children in Africa starving? He chuckled again.

    He was forced out of his own thoughts by the sound of footsteps from within the house, approaching quickly. He hardly had time to prepare for what lie beyond the door, when it opened.


    As always, criticism welcome.

    A RoyQin® story.

    *I am the writer for this story. You may have seen the RoyQin stamp in the past, where I have collaborated with her. However, although I am not writing with her, she will be assisting me every step of the way, from support to ideas.

    ***It was later determined that this story would be another Cowrite between Qin and myself.
  2. I really like this 
  3. Bump. Really good. 
  4. Aghhhh your back I love this story and your Writting skills great job really
  5. Holy poop this is good!
  6. Did you except it to be bad?

    Thank you to all who have read it and commented. I'm glad you liked it!
  7. Wow! This is really good! Do you KMP?:3
  8. Woooohooooo!!!!Welcome back Royale!!!! this story will NOT die for you n Qin are awesome writterswith that said...i'll wait for a few updates to read cos i dont like the dying feeling of just 1update n then wanting the next immediately
  9.  I'm always around. You all just don't know I'm here.

    Thanks for the warm welcome <3.

    And I shall try my hardest not to disappoint!
  10. xD Oh. People on PIMD don't KMP?:3 It's kinda like a reader says KMP please, and it means "Keep Me Posted", basically, someone makes you an update banner, or you make it yourself, and then you post that on everyone's wall who said "KMP" :3 It basically tells them that the story's been updated.
  11. Ohhh. Some people do that here lol. I'm just not up to date on my acronyms!

    I'll certainly let you know when this is updated. :)
  12. ╞════sτοяγ тιμε════╡
    ⇝╰ᏲᎪᎦ ᏏᏋᏋᏁ╯⇜
    ⇛ U P D A T E D ⇚
    ≈βγ яоуаιε≈
    ¡fεει fяεε το соммепτ!
    ⇘ το κмρ⇙
    ╞════sτοяγ тιμε════╡

    Heh. I just made this for you :S As an example, feel free to use it though. :3
  13. Ah crap it messed up D:
  14. ╞════sτοяγ тιμε════╡
    ╸╸╸╸⇝╰ᏲᎪᎦ ᏏᏋᏋᏁ╯⇜ ╸╸╸╸
    ❚❚❢ ⇛ U P D A T E D ⇚❢❚❚
    ❖ ≈βγ яоуаιε≈ ❖
    ↳ ¡fεει fяεε το соммепτ! ↲
    ✧ ⇘ το κмρ⇙ ✦
    ╞════sτοяγ тιμε════╡

    -crosses fingers- Please don't mess up :$
  15. This is amazing, as is every single one of your other stories.
  16. RoyRoy . You posted the story, yay.
    And you used my little advice .
    You know my opinion on this. 
    I hope I will see a continuation of this. Keep up the good work. <3
  17. Thanks Synical!

    And ClaudOf course I did! <333
  18. So, time for part 2!

    This part is mostly focused on giving the readers an idea of who the characters are through dialogue. Dialogue, along with description, is one of the worst aspects of my writing, so bare with me! Tips appreciated!

    Story Time! Part 2

    "So wait, you spent your hard earned money, and your time to come see me, when you should be busy starting your own life?" She asked, as the two entered a little diner called The Rusty Fork. The name was certainly appropriate. The walls were littered with junk like old photographs, not-so-funny signs, and wilting flowers. The walls were a faded reddish color, and the place was owned by an old couple who should have retired years ago. However, the man was assured by the woman that the food was satisfyingly tasty, and affordable for someone just out of college. They sat down in a booth, opposite each other.

    "Yep!" The man replied, grinning.

    She took her time before replying, "That's not very practical, Nick." She frowned slightly and tried to raise her eyebrow as if he were some sort of crazy person.

    "Oh come on, Camila! You can't honestly say you aren't happy I'm here." Nick wore his best 'you just hurt my feelings and I'm going to guilt trip you' face, and ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, trying his hardest not to laugh at her failed attempt at a disapproving look.

    "I suppose it is nice to finally meet in person, although I think Skype would have had a similar effect for much, much less money." Camila responded, smirking.

    They both began to study the menu, Nick enjoying his victory, as the waitress approached.

    * * * * *

    The sun was beginning to set as the two finished their meals and walked towards Nick's rental car, a blue Ford Fusion. It was relatively clean, with paper mats on the floor for people's feet and a strawberry air freshener, and freshly washed when he had received it.

    Camila's brown curls bounced with her every step. She stopped at the passenger side door, waiting for Nick to unlock the car.

    The inside of the car felt like a sauna from the trapped heat. "These rental cars really should come with a remote start. Air conditioning is a necessity in this heat!" Nick exclaimed, hurrying to start the car and cool off.

    "Oh, quit complaining. At least you have air conditioning in your car. My dad owns a truck from the 80s. Imagine all my siblings, my parents, and myself crammed in one truck. Five people, six sometimes, fitting in a vehicle meant for four people. I could literally feel my younger brother breathing down my neck. Besides the lack of space, the air conditioning hardly even works. On top of that, the seats were covered in plastic and they made my legs sticky whenever I wore shorts. Now that's true torture."

    "...Well I'm just glad you didn't go off on a rant about the 'less-fortunate' again!" Nick replied. Within a couple seconds of finishing his last sentence, he continued. "So, how's your mother been? Think she'll be happy to meet me?"

    "Probably not. I should explain who you are first." Camila sighed. Her mother wouldn't understand her friendship with Nick. "She'll probably assume we're dating, and you know only a Spanish man is worthy of me." The mockery was quite obvious.

    "Well, I did take three years of Spanish." Nick winked, then laughed. "Just kidding. How about I just drop you off and come back tomorrow?"

    "I suppose that would be a good idea. I'm already going to have to explain to her where I was today." And off they went.


    New character coming soon!

    I've also created a wall art for when the story is updated. If anyone wants to know when it is updated, say so here or on my wall. :)

    A RoyQin® story.