Story Reviews

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iSassBendAndSnapToBreakNoses, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Hey everyone ️.

    For those of you who don't know me, I'm Shannon, but some people call me, Poppet. I wrote in FF for a while, so I have experience with writing. I also spent these last five months on Wattpad, which has improved my writing even more.

    Anyway, I know I just came back from my short hiatus, but I noticed how many newer writers there are now. They have received helpful tips for improvement from people that are experienced with writing.

    So, I'm doing story reviews! I'm extremely excited to see the talents of newer writers, or the writers' works I never read when I was here. I think this is a great way for more readers to read these stories and provide more feedback, as well as finding stories readers didn't think of reading at first.

    Post the title of your story on this thread if you want me give you a review! Please make sure you have at three updates. It's difficult to give a summary if there are fewer.

    I will review your story based on the form below.




    Brief Summary:


    Rating (1-10):
    There will probably be decimal points.

    Have a lovely day .
  2. This is interesting. I hope you continue it for a while; it'd be nice to have a permanent one. Could you review my story? I'll bump it.
  3. But there's only one update . If that'll tell me enough info, I could do it 
  4. UMMM maybe. If not then review it once I update more.
  5. Review mine Shan, please. 
  6. Fatal Perception by me
  7. Would you mind reading my story? Balagan. I've just recently updated it. Please and thank you.
  8. This is exciting. My expectations are high with these reviews. Please don't sugarcoat and don't just give the same review over and over again.... Or at least find new ways to say things. Reviews are fun but can get as boring as some of the stories on here.? Best of luck!
  9. Royale, you should know that I don't sugarcoat .

    I'll get to the stories tonight ️.
  10. I forgot to mention, reviews will be posted on your story thread and this thread, unless you don't want it on yours .
  11. Title: Million dollar injury
    Author: Rising challenger
    Genre: action/ romance
    Brief summary: a wrestler with a serious injury is in jeopardy of not being able to wrestle again. His GF is pushing him to do his best but his parents are doubting him. He must overcome his injury and help his team win state duals (1st in state) who will prevail? His GF or his family?
  12. 

    That's for me to fill out... Not you. -sigh-
  13. And I don't see your story anywhere. Bump it please.
  14. Sammi, I need another update or two from your story to review it .
  15. Alrighty. That'll come in a week or so.
  16. Reading List:

    1) The Game

    2) Fatal Perception

    3) Balagan
  17. Reviews by Poppet ?

    Title: The Game

    Author: -ShanaAlanaTheNerd-

    Genre: Romance, Humor

    Brief Summary:

    Ever since they were twelve, Sam and River have been playing the game . This game includes endless pranking on each other. From fake spiders to snake bites, how far will each of them go before their final summer as campers end? Will Sam and River ever end this game and become friends, or maybe even more?


    I'd like to start off by saying that I really love your stories, Shana. I always have. They're always so detailed with endless descriptions of the main character, his or her surroundings, and the other characters. Anyway, comments on the story itself.

    First off, I absolutely love the title. It's simple, yet it makes the reader wonder what this game is. When I first saw the title, I thought it would be something action and Hunger Games related. I honesty have no clue why; I have interesting thoughts. The introduction paragraph itself is extremely intriguing. It allows the reader to wonder more about where the story is headed. By the end of the first update, the reader knows exactly where it's headed.

    Your usage of the comma is absolutely perfect; I wish everyone knew how to punctuate properly. Some of the word choice sounds beautiful with their sentences. For example: "River Carlyle is the bane of my existence". Ugh. Beauty.

    I don't really have constructive criticism for you, but I do have to comment on the fact that some parts are slightly confusing, at least to me. You brought up the idea of being in this elite camp. Is this significant later in the story, or is it just completely random? And also, how do they pull pranks on each other yearly at a elite camp without getting caught? I haven't put the pieces together for that.

    I do have several suggestions for the future. The pranks are the main part of the story for right now, until the romance begins. I don't think it's a great idea to have the poll at the end of each update, allowing the readers to choose the prank. Since it is the only thing going on between the two main characters as of right now, it may bore people because they know what the next update and prank is going to be about. Making it a surprise will be more fun, of course, for the readers, because they don't know how spontaneous the prank is going to be.

    Tying into the whole pranks idea, I think you should include more flashbacks of past pranks between River and Sam. Maybe you had that idea too, but it just helps the reader understand their relationship as rivals.

    Another thing, on the first update, you immediately began saying that this story is a cliché romance story. For me, that ruined my thoughts on what the story is about. Cliffhangers and leaving the reader wondering is always good. It lures them into the story even more.

    I also think you should begin developing the other characters in the story instead of focusing solely on Sam and River pranking one another. The reader should learn about Sam more individually, as well as River, Rissa, Jared and Zoe.

    Other than that, I'm glad I got so much out of two updates. I already knew what the story was to be about with the first update! Continue updating, I'll be reading!

    Rating (1-10): 8.8
  18. Could you please review; 'The New Plastic Surgeon'.

    Thank you. :3 It's not very far through yet, but if you could review what's their at the moment that'd be helpful, aha.