Story Pass Story recaps

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CapedClown, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. Hey, so I’m sure this has been addressed before, but I wanted to mention in case it hasn’t been brought up in a while. I love reading through the story passes and I try to brag about the writing all the time, but I forget half the details of the last story pass by the time the new one comes around. I can’t even come up with proper ship tags because I’ve forgotten every character’s name. It would be really awesome if you could post story recaps as forum posts after the story pass ends. It sounds so much better quoting the text then saying that elf boy with the long ass candy bar name; Milkyway Larabar Reeses Cup or whatever. And can we have a thread to give proper credit to the author? They deserve a comment section.
  2. Yes!

    And not only the story post, also the normal ones. Not only story pass. I know people try to collect this stuff in the forum, but i don't get why ATA can't just open stories up for everyone to read after the event.

    They are so cute and then they are lost forever