Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *peanut8989 (01), Oct 3, 2011.

  1. The floors were slippery and I fell and it hurt!  Story of my life! What is your story?
  2. My story- No. End of story.
  3. * achhhooooooo*  that is my story
  4. OMG THAT IS SOOO INTERESTING!  Like legit dude.
  5.  I found a cute face.  so I use it in a lot of posts.  I have many stories. 
  6. You guys have interesting lifes! Unlike mine! 
  7. I wake up. I check PIMD. Maybe have a client or two, more on a bad day . If no clients, switch between reading and PIMD. At night possibly go out. Then eventually crash.

    My life.
  8.  those gifs are cute too. 
  9. Wow. I wish mine was that interesting! 
  10. It will be. Eventually. 
  11.  it brings teats to my eyes.... 
  12. Page twoo!! Yeahh. Lol! Most successful thread ever!
  13. Cool story, bro
  14. Peanut, if that comment was towards me, I didn't try to make my life sound interesting. I just mentioned the daily mundane schedule I have as an adult.

    When I go out at night, that's when it gets interesting.
  15. Yeah yeah. Okay.
  16. I'm eating mcdonalds now..while waiting to see the doctor for xray.. It sucks..