Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Karina-The-One-And-Only, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. A bunch of players are whining about poop getting silenced.

    Get over it! He got silenced for a reason there is always a reason!

    And for all you other people complaining about getting silences for saying,"Unsilence Poop!" It's because some of you were SPAMMING!

    Now stop your whining! You are acting like 4 year olds!

    It's no big deal ! It's only for 24 hours! And if its his third silence, he can still talk on forums!


  2. That's what I thought 
  3. Lol ur dumb :b
  4. Your welcome
    And you would've told them to stop here too
  5. Look poop is silenced and he is not getting unsilenced. Deal. He clearly is
  6. Hes forum banned, no speaky on forums. 
  7. Still , stop whining it's bothering everyone!
  8. I'm not whining...lmao. De almieeghty Drake is newt selenceo
  9. I imagine the forums as a big city, with very large walls and a giant door, cat poop is on the outside of that door for a reason. Idk why, nor do I care, but it happened for a Reason.
  10. Bs I was silence for simply using my creds on wc no spam no wrong doing at all 
  11. Half were spamming half were not and still silence I was there and saw and was silence unfairly. Idc it's the principal fact that is bs
  12. It was probably an accident then , its only 24 hours just wait
  13. Just wait isn't good enough. /sigh
  14. Aziza... Weren't you leaving? I swear I saw a thread bout u leaving  if so, ur opinion is invalid.
  15. Azi? You staying?
  16. I am not staying .

    Me and _Webboo are having a party and it will end of the tenth of November.

    But I will return some time. I don't know but I might stop by sometimes when I'm REALLY bored anyway I will return on holidays to celebrate it with you guys
  17. Didnt you leave pimd?
  18. No I didn't look at my post I just posted a few minutes ago
  19. Trawda - bore off and get some stats.

    Free cat poop :)