
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by NatsuDragneel_Salamander, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Some stereotypes are bogus some are r ewe ql let's talk about bout. State your stereotype here and disprove it or prove it.

    Lol for me I'm a black guy that lovesssss koolaid . So I'm basically a walking stereotype when it comes to it. And I loveee kfc aswell, lol
  2. I'm Asian. I'm terrible at math. TERRIBLE.
  3. Imma white girl but dont love starbucks, i think its overpriced trash 
  4. I'm white and I'm terrible at basketball 
  5. Im canadian and rather table syrup ?
  6. I'm Filipino. I don't eat dogs for Adobo. Especially not the black ones.
  7. I'm Canadian. We don't say eh

    But EVERYBODY says I say sorry too much lol
  8. I'm English and hate tea. :?
  9. I'm cubes but I'm always right
  10. I'm a natural blonde and I'm not stupid, or a ditz. :lol:
  11. I'm Asian, I'm not Chinese
  12. i am arabian and im not a terrorist :mrgreen:
  13. I'm Native and apparently I love gambling
  14. im asian and i dont own a piano is my house
  15. Im from new zealand and i hate rugby
  16. I'm white and hate Starbucks as well. I also hate watermelon which is supposedly unamerican of me 
  17. I'm English, I own my own farm, and I won't drink any other hot drink apart from tea ?

  18. I'm English and drink tea, eat fish and chips, love soccerball (football) and like to complain at things that are irrelevant. I also believe Yorkshire is the greatest place on Earth.