stay or go?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-kyleee- (01), Nov 7, 2011.

  1. If u guys want me to stay put a heart on my wall like this: <3
    I u want me to go put a face like this: :mad:

  2. I really just want u to shut up and stop making forums
  3. I think you should stay

  4. If i get more than 10 ill stay they have to be about different ppl
  5. Kylee stop seeking attention and go make some friends.

    It's your decision whether you stay or go, not ours.
  6. U r fail trolls BTW I SED PIST ON MY WALL WAT U THINK
  7. Was that English ?
  8. [​IMG]

    Over reaction much?
  9. 
  10. Weirdest gif
  11. Kylee I can't post on your wall I'm perm. silenced also
  12. Ohh well okayy i have 7 ppl on my wall
  13. I hate your worthless threads...

    If you want to leave, JUST LEAVE ALREADY!
  14. I agree
  15. Leave the game and forums please. You make too many topics and are seeking too much attention. Go join another online game that you aren't silenced in.
  16. LEAVE!!!!! AND STOP MAKING THREADS!!!!!!!!!!