Starting date

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -xXx-DaCandyWin-xXx, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Can someone please tell me my starting date for pimd. After that u can use this for whatever

    - Winona 
  2. Go onto a computer, log onto, check a thread you posted in (like this one ) and next to your post it will tell you your start date and time, as well as your total post count.

    I would for you, but alas, no computer.
  3. I dont have a computer either
  4. Oh, hah. Well if it's still not answered in a few hours I'll steal my friend's computer.
  5. Sun , July 10,2011
  6. Winova.  320 posts
  7. Oh yea and 2:55 am