Stardust Theory

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 12, 2019.

  1. What do you think of the idea that humans (and all life) are made from stardust?
  2. Dunno too much about the theory's logistics. It's a neat-sounding idea though.
  3. I was made from glitter and sawdust
  4. I'm made of glass bones and paper skin
  5. This reminds me of the golden compass
  6. I think it's pretty plausible, given what little we actually know about the universe and, especially, our origins.
  7. Great movie. So sad when it bombed and put New Line Cinema in bankruptcy. Isn't there a new show coming out?
  8. Yeah, I loved the movie. And yes there is.
  9. Well they kinda are
  10. It's based on the fact that all life comes from carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur which all originate in stars (thus Earth's dependence on the sun for life).
  11. It's a good book series, too.
  12. Yup. Read it as Northern Lights, so assumed they were referring the film haha.
  14. I personally find the idea to be rather nice and comforting. Knowing that everything we’re made of comes from possibly the oldest part of the universe or maybe just some hundred years ago is such a massive yet enthralling concept.
  15. Honestly, this is very similar to the ice theory promoted by the National Socialists in Germany. So, we should probably be wary of this theory.
  16. Duh.

    This isn't a theory...
    It's a true statement.

    All matter is comprised of "star dust"... It isn't special and despite our reverence for "the stars" and the respect we give them, you breathe stardust 24/7.
  18. You also eat, sweat, bleed, shxt, pee, and puke stardust.
    So do all the aninals and insects and microorganisms because all matter ever came from the big bang.

    Every rock, pebble, and oh so insignificant grain of sand is made of stardust.

    Every planet you will never visit, every gas, liquid, and solid... All stardust. Who cares that we'e of stardust when everything is made of stardust?

    There is nothing special about it.

    Unless there is. Despite the conceptual dispelling of us... "We dont have magical powers fron the stardust?"

    Stardust is magical. Elements have unique properties and can combine to make molecules that have more unique properties... They can do many things. We can make solids that are lighter than air, we can stretch something nearly to the point of breaking and have it quickly return to its original length and shape. Stardust can make systems so smart that they become self-aware and aware of much more. It can make organisms that digest and eat plastics.

    There's a lot of magic in stardust but it's the everyday magic of chemistry.